Student Olympiads and Competitions

Students of the department take part in all-Ukrainian annual student Olympiads and Scientific competitions and consistently take prizes:

  • All-Ukrainian Student Olympiad in Energy Management
  • All-Ukrainian Student Olympiad in Power Consumption Systems
  • All-Ukrainian competition of student research in natural, technical and human sciences. Branch - Energy

How to participate?

All students wishing to take part in the Olympiad can try to complete the test tasks and submit them to the department for verification. The speciality of the applicants does not matter. As a result of the selection, a team of 3-5 students will be formed for further intensive training. The best of the team will represent NTU «KhPI» at the Olympiad.

To take part in the Competition of scientific works, it is necessary to prepare a work of 30-40 pages under the guidance of a scientific supervisor and submit it to the department for approval.